Monday, August 27, 2007


chennai bus drivers are famous for their generosity when it comes to using swear words, sudden changes of lanes, sudden application of brakes(most men actually praise the driver for this, esp when they are standing near women) and using horns, especially the last.

I don't know if its something new, but the last three times i have traveled by bus , the horn seemed to have gotten louder. all the three times, by some weird luck i was standing close to the front exit of the bus, and the frequent shrieks of the horn almost split my ear-drum. the driver used the horn for no particular reason except presumably to give his fingers some exercise. on an empty road with no one in sight for miles, he would still go paaam...paaaam...paaaaaaaaaaaaaammmmmmmm.... and each time he went paaam , i went fuck you, bastard. sadly, i think he didn't listen to this, or heard it as some actuating words(yeah!, i am preparing for the gre from barrons;-) ) and would evidently increase the frequency of the paaaming.

Thank God, i had small journeys(i always thought that plural of journey was journies, eveidently its not the case), and the torture would end soon enough, otherwise i would have been deaf by now. which, thinking about it, would actually be a boon the next time i travel by the MTC buses. at least my ears would be saved from torture by paaaming

appended on 5th sep

the horns actually are a wonder of acousttc design.... while travelling last week, was standing near the rear exit....this time also the driver was continuously paaaming but i barely heard him...actually i heard a sound very faintly once or twice and surmised it must be the horning.....this made quite a lot of things clearer...i guess whats true inside the bus, is also true outside.... so if a vehicle is real close to the bus, god save the ears of the driver, but if it were even 5 feet away, he is not going to hear bus driver mahashay continues paaaming and toturing....

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